10 junho, 2014


Um fim de semana e eu me apaixonei por Belfast, na Irlanda do Norte. Muito frio, vento, mas muito lugar lindo, pra respirar e aproveitar


One weekend and I fell in love with Belfast, in Northern Ireland. Really cold, windy, but a beautiful place, to breathe and enjoy.

 Ulster Museum

Beacon of Hope

Belfast Botanic Garden

 Belfast Botanic Garden

 Belfast Botanic Garden

Titanic Belfast

 Carrickfergus Castle






 Giant's Causeway

 Giant's Causeway

05 junho, 2014

Brighton + Seven Sisters Country Park

Hoje, umas fotos de um dia que fui pra Brighton e pra Seven Sisters Country Park.
O dia não estava lindo, mas o lugar fez tudo ficar maravilhoso.


Today, some pictures of a day that I went to Brighton and to Seven Sisters Country Park. 
The day wasn't beautiful, but the place made ​​everything wonderful.

 Seven Sisters Country Park

 Seven Sisters Country Park

 Seven Sisters Country Park

 Seven Sisters Country Park

 Brighton Pier

 Brighton Pier

 Brighton Pier

 Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier