17 janeiro, 2014

TCC (Final Project)

No fim do meu curso eu tive que fazer meu TCC + coleção, tudo em um único semestre. Quase fiquei maluca, mas deu tudo certo e ainda consegui terminar antes do dia da apresentação.
Escolhi fazer meu TCC sobre produção de moda/styling (tinha essa ideia desde o começo). Pesquisei bastante livros, as aulas me ajudaram bastante, e meu namorado também, que foi o fotógrafo!
Foi tudo muito rápido, pois tive que costurar a peça, bater a foto, editar, e arrumar o TCC, mas deu tudo certo e essas são as fotos:


In the end of my fashion course I had to do my Final Project + the collection, all of it in just one semester. I almost got crazy, but everything went well and I was able to finish before the presentation day.
I chose to talk about fashion production/styling in my Final Project (I had this ideia since the beginning). I read a lot of books, the classes really helped meu, and my boyfriend too, that was the photographer!
It was all too fast, because I had to sew the piece, take the pictures, edit, e write the Final Project, but everything went really well, and this is the pictures:

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